Empowering Environmental and Occupational Health Culture
Assalamualaikum & Greetings
ISEOH 2020 is originally scheduled to take place in April 2020 in Miri, Sarawak Malaysia.
In these uncertain times, the chairs decided to proceed the ISEOH 2020 in an online format. This will ensure that our online symposium is positioned to best engage our attendees and reach broader international participants.
The new meeting dates for the virtual event are 25th (Wednesday) to 27th (Friday) November, 2020. The-pre conference event will be held a day before the symposium (please refer to the new tentative schedule).
ISEOH 2020 provide virtual presentation in two options; oral presentation or poster presentation. All registered authors with accepted papers for oral or poster presentations are asked to prepare a video or power point slide and submit it to the conference administrator (scientific.iseoh2020@gmail.com) at least 15 days prior to the symposium. All presentation will be presented by the participants followed by a few minutes of Questions and Answers.
Please note:
Oral Presentations for all submissions are limited to 15 minutes of presentation and 5 minutes for possible Q&A.
Accepted Posters for all submissions will be presented during specific poster sessions.
Poster Presentations: For all submissions are limited to 3-5 minutes.
All Oral/Poster Presentations will be done through a video or power point prepared by authors.
At the same time, attendees are permitted, and encouraged, to attend talks from various topics related to;
Environmental Health Perspectives
Occupational & Safety Health Perspectives
Environmental Science, Policy and Management
Science and Technology
Interested authors, researchers, and industrial experts are invited to submit their papers to the conference that best resonates with their technical background in;
Special Issues on COVID-19 **
a) Environmental Health Perspectives
b) Occupational, Safety and Health Perspectives
**ALL papers for this special issue from the conference will be submitted for publications in the Asia Pacific Environmental and Occupational Health Journal (APEOHJ) (publication fees is free). All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed. The conference proceedings will be indexed by Google Scholar. Full Papers are limited to 8 pages and are more descriptive of the work that has been done. Also, more sections, images, graphs, and results could be presented.
Please submit your paper to the following link; https://easychair.org/cfp/iseoh2020
Participants who have submitted their paper for publication previously and has been paid, papers will be published in Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences.
For those who have paid the full conference package, We welcome you to attend a pre-conference workshop as a stand-alone course or to enrich your ISEOH 2020 Virtual experience for FREE. CEP points and HRDF are claimable. Please refer to the website for details.
** Individuals who have already registered and paid for ISEOH 2020 Miri, will be automatically registered for the ISEOH 2020: Virtual and will be eligible to attend all of our pre-conference (ONE workshop session). We are also delighted to announce that you are entitled for 1 year membership for Environmental & Occupational Health Society FOR FREE.
For those who like to join ISEOH 2020 VIRTUAL, please register yourself through our website.
On behalf of the ISEOH 2020 Committee, we try our best to provide you with the best assistance and options. For more information, we can be reached at the existing line or email; eohs.my@gmail.com.
Thank you.
ISEOH 2020 Organising Committee

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“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
—Margaret Mead