Dear Participants
Register yourself here today!
Our team will assists you with providing an invoice and the conference details.
The registration fee for ISEOH 2020 VIRTUAL are as follow;
Virtual Presentation; MYR 60 (Local participant), USD 20 (International participant)
Pre-conference (per each session); MYR 50 (Local participant), USD 20 (International participant)
Attendee; MYR 50 (Local participant), USD 20 (International participant)
Register with us today! The offer is limit to only 100 early participants!
Industrial Revolution (IR) 5.0:
Environmental and Occupational Health (EOH)
Challenges and Solution Beyond 2020
Submit your abstract
ISEOH 2020 provides a platform for practitioners and researchers to meet and learn from each other. The objective of the conference is to embrace challenges and finding the solution to problem and issues related to environmental and occupational health.
Interested authors, researchers, and industrial experts are invited to submit their papers to the conference that best resonates with their technical background in; Special Issues on COVID-19 **
a) Environmental Health Perspectives
b) Occupational, Safety and Health Perspectives

Conference Topics
Any topics related to environmental and occupational health (EOH). Example as follows;
Management and tourism
Social Science
Entrepreneurship & graduate employability towards IR 5.0
Workers rehabilitation
Work stress reduction program
Strategies to overcome mental health issues and well being at the workplace
Industrial ergonomic issues and manual handling
Industrial hygiene towards workplace risk reduction
Emergency response and plan
Challenges of oil and gas industries towards zero incidence
Risk measurement and management
Climate change and the solution
Environmental pollution and children health
Environmental exposure monitoring with biomarker
The way forward to mitigate air, water and soil pollution
Food safety and security
Way forward of future solid waste and hazardous waste management
Strategies to urban health
Technology and big data including data safety and security
Biodiversity and conservation
Marine ecology, forestry and fisheries
Aviation safety
** COVID-19